NEW — Deep Analysis of SolarWinds Breach
Absolute data protection, control and extended visibility
HOPZERO’s innovative methodology limits how far data can travel from a device. By limiting DataTravel Hopzero delivers an exfiltration prevention and data visibility solution that stops server compromise in it’s tracks.
PREVENTS critical data from leaving the datacenter or organization perimeter.
VISUALIZES exfiltration and attacker activities
ALARMS on exfiltration attempts
LOGS packet content metrics, improving security evidence
STOPS ransomware and phishing exfiltration

Providing full control, visibility, and management of where your data is going.

Sensor & Agents
Data collection, inspection and control
Smart Logging
Packet based auditing and forensics
What is DataTravel™?
DataTravel is the HOPZERO patented methodology delivering security at the TCP/IP network layer, taking advantage of protocol rules to limit how far data packets can travel, ensuring sensitive data is protected when all other security measures fail. In essence, Hopzero controls the hop count or TTL (Time to Live) on every critical server, thus guaranteeing data packets are discarded in exfiltration attempts beyond a set perimeter or Sphere of Trust.
Sphere of Trust™ Agent
Agent delivers risk-adaptive data protection by limiting DataTravel on server communications — keeping data within a Sphere of Trust™. Actionable alarms are generated to notify of any attempt to access vital data from outside the Sphere of Trust. No data is allowed to travel beyond its security policy.
Cybercriminals often stay undetected for as much as 200+ days before they actually perform an exploit. Detect their presence and eradicate them from your servers and other hosts attempting to infiltrate your servers.
Reduce risk with the right tools. HOPZERO has the tools and patented technology to stop server compromise.

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