SMART Logging

HOPZERO Smart Packet Logging solution delivers long term log retention using only standard storage
Due to high costs, most logs are stored for a year or less. This makes it hard to identify infiltrations that stay undetected for long periods of time thus making forensic analysis impossible. HOPZERO’s Smart Packet Logging solution delivers long term log retention using only standard storage. Hopzero extracts packet header session data and transforms it into tabular data for analysis and retention. By storing packet header information only, size is reduced by 94% – 5GB of packet data to ~300 bytes , allowing the maintenance of essential logs without cost and complexity of managing and storing. NO ACTUAL PACKETS OR DATA IS EVER STORED OR TRANSMITTED OUTSIDE OF YOUR INFRASTRUCTURE.
· Maintain compliance, auditing and regulation requirements
· Lower storage and management overhead
· High fidelity view of data information
· Lowers storage and data retention costs
· Holds logs for years
HOPZERO prevents ransomware data exfiltration. Customers’ have continuous intrusion and exfiltration detection and blocking capabilities.

Smart Logs improve cybersecurity compliance.

Data is safe inside your organization’s network.

Actionable alarms catch cyber criminals.

A picture of where your data travels is worth a thousand logs.
How We Do IT?
HOPZERO looks at each and every data packet, pulls the header session information and imports it into a table on the Portal.
Data contained in the headers includes IP session, latency, speed, volume, distance and location detail, which can be accessed in real time, and retained in perpetuity
HOPZERO customers have continuous intrusion and exfiltration detection and prevention with enterprise-wide visibility of all data travel to effectively eliminate threats to your most valuable data.