Exfiltration Attack Surface Reduction Enforcement

Block and Limit DataTravel™

Phishing attacks can be thwarted and stopped with our cybersecurity system
In this video you will learn how DataTravel™ keeps your data safe, even if your firewall is compromised.
In this video you will learn how DataTravel™ keeps your data safe, even if your firewall is compromised.
Build your data Sphere of Trust™ and our patented Exfiltration Enforcer will prevent data from leaving that barrier.
HOPZERO Sphere of Trust™

Inside Sphere of Trust

  • Data Center Devices
  • Safe Communications
  • Vital Server Protection

Outside Sphere of Trust

  • User Insider Threats
  • Phish & Ransomware
  • Internet Risks

Reduce Your Attack Surface By 99.9%

In this whitepaper you’ll learn how limiting the hop count of your data packets, and reducing the range of your data transmission to appropriate levels, can help ensure your critical data stays safely within the datacenter.

HOPZERO’s Exfiltration Enforcer learns the Attack Surface of every device, providing numerous ways to Block and Limit DataTravel™
An administrator’s click authorizes an enforcement recommendation, limiting how far a vital server may communicate — keeping it safe inside the Sphere of Trust™.

Enforcement works even if a firewall would allow exfiltration — even if access credentials to the server were lost and in the wrong hands — nothing can connect to the server from outside the Sphere of Trust™. This prevents command & control and many exploits, keeping vital data safe.

A short 15 minute discovery session can show how this new patented DataTravel™ Security System can beat the status quo.