Immediate SnapShot exfiltration audit

DataTravel™ Visualization SaaS Portal

Phishing attacks can be thwarted and stopped with our cybersecurity system
In this video you will learn how DataTravel™ helps identify phish machines and nullfiy — not just detect — the phish.
In this video you will learn how DataTravel™ helps identify phish machines and nullfiy — not just detect — the phish.
HOPZERO’s deep security research visualizing DataTravel™ enables rapid understanding and compels regular analysis.
DataTravel™ Security SaaS Portal

Visualize DataTravel

  • Easy to Use and Deploy
  • Internet & Private IP Locations Geo Mapped
  • Click, Sort & Filter Deep Security Research

Block DataTravel

  • Unknown
  • OK Approved
  • Block by Policy

Reduce Your Attack Surface By 99.9%

In this whitepaper you’ll learn how limiting the hop count of your data packets, and reducing the range of your data transmission to appropriate levels, can help ensure your critical data stays safely within the datacenter.

HOPZERO’s Exfiltration Auditor provides a security compliance Block Report, providing a map of where application connections are leaking out firewalls with one click.
DataTravel™ Visualization SaaS Portal’s easy point and click filters provide valuable information and advanced filters may be saved for reuse. Click a session dot and detailed Deep Security DataTravel™ research pops up, providing cogent information saving hours of security research.

Logging every communication session provides compliance with NIST, GDPR, HIPAA, PCI, DoD, and all security standards. Concise logs add security research enhancements, building smart logs to include the Who, What, When, Where and Why. Smart logs help differentiate a sophisticated state sponsored actor from a lone script kitty hacker. Speed, distance, latency and volume combined with threat intelligence lookups, build a powerful risk score, zeroing in on material risks.

A short 15 minute discovery session can show how this new patented DataTravel™ Security System can beat the status quo.