Does Your Crown-Jewel Data Server Speak Russian?

FREE WHITEPAPER Offers RoadMap to Achieving Zero Attack Surface

As a member of a Fortune 500 security team, we know you need ONE MORE cyber security tool like you need a stick in the eye.

And if the current network security paradigm was working then we wouldn’t have created HOPsphere Radius Security, a unique endpoint security paradigm that proactively identifies data compromises and prevents undetected exfiltration.

But not only are the current offerings in the info security toolbox not safeguarding data consistently — its primary job — it’s also creating a myriad of other logistical nightmares:

  • Excessive micro-segmentation
  • Abundance of false alarms (which require their own set of AI tools to analyze)
  • Duplicated vulnerability (if you use one firewall six times, you have the same problem, six times)
  • Lack of a true “zero trust” strategy

What if the paradigm-shifting solution you needed wasn’t by adding more complexity and costly infrastructure to your existing defenses?

"... this is a nice and clean approach to reducing the exposure surface, and well worth implementing broadly ..." - Dr. Harry Saal

But, simply, to leverage the inherent TTL (or “Hop”) of your data packets to control which machines key servers communicate with?

In this FREE WHITEPAPER we lay out a roadmap for how Fortune 500 companies, like yours, can:

  • Tighten data radius
  • Reduce the amount of machines your key data servers communicate with
  • Make zero attack surface more realistic

Click below to get access to this ground-breaking info security whitepaper.

Because isn’t it time we started getting the upper-hand in the fight to safeguard the world’s data?